A few years ago Dajana Heremic was asked to create a historical ritual for the Prehistorisch Dorp @prehistorischdorp - together with talented friends Sanam Tahmasebi @sanamika , Talitha Barelds talithairis & Karin Walsweer @elan_mcbob she created an Iron Age inspired ceremony and a song from a poem she wrote in proto-Germanic for our Earth Mother. After performing the ritual in 2020 they wanted to record the song and thus came forth a beautiful composition of many layers and several ‘chapters’ they worked on for some time. A vocal prayer and sound scape for the ‘Erth Moder’, with drums, cello and a soaring violin by Heta Salkolahti @heta.music , mixed & mastered by Drico Ligthart @dricoligthart . Finally we edited this video from our footage filmed through the years.
Film & Edit
Thomas Grootoonk